Once upon a time

Once upon a time
//i know that i'm cute//

Friday, July 29, 2016

Who I am?

Firstly, I am sorry if I commit grammatical error so I hope you leave a comment to correct my sentence. I am still working on it.

Back to the title, I am Farah . lels. from sms sembrong. if u wonder where on earth is sembrong, it's located in Kluang, Johor. Im currently 16. i take 10 subjects for my SPM in 2017* the 10th subject is engineering drawing. as a boarding school student, i dont fit into those tracks and jerseys and sport shoes playing all kind of balls ever existed on earth. Instead, I am a debater, Nawaitu Debaters. I had participated in a looooooot of competitions yet my highest achievment was only into pre-quarterfinal.

What else?

I see myself as a plain girl who has a high level of insecurities. Although I thought that I am academically well (PT3 straight As and currently still top 10 in f4 exams) but it somehow dont help. I am a Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar *in normal word its prefect. But im not promoted into any post. I am once nominated as Timbalan Penolong Ketua Pelajar but because of some controvecy i am not anymore in the list. gosh i am so relieved.

I am the youngest in my family. My brothers and sisters are all grown ups. The gap between my brother and I is 7 years which means I often feel like the only child in the family. My siblings are all successors, both of my brothers study overseas which are Japan and Germany, one of my sister further her studies until PhD with full sponsorship(she didnt have to pay her PTPTN because she got first class degree and skipped masters), and my another sister is currently working at Puchong in an IT company and have a happy life. See? So as the last children the pressure is quiet high. Everybody expects me to be as successful as them. Pray for my SPM please.... T_T.

But nonetheless, let me live my life as time flows.

here's my Instagram and Twitter acc: @Farah_Nabbelon @frahnbilahali

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I actually hate throwbacking on stuffs because I usually do stupid things and I hate to see myself in stupidness. But I love the moment *10 years ago whe I'm still cute like this:

But now, as I'm getting older and bigger, body weight increases, little pressure that cause pimples, exposure to track and field activity*i hate this most and hey i'm a very-not-athletic-fat-short-girl* than hold responsibility of making my skin rentung, petanque, and somehow uglier

eh akumasihcomeldangorgeous.  haha. That perasan part is censored.
But of late. I learn something from it, *drumroll SELF LOVE! Realizing all people around me are all pretty and cute and have admires, it doesn't mean that I'm totally ugly, right? But insecureness still can't be mended well. When i'm scrolling my istagram timeline and watch all those famous-fabulous-pretty pics which is waaaaay better than mine, at that moment, self-esteem doomed. It makes me question myself and god "Why am I born ugly?" Syaitan kiri kanan depan belakang everywhere peh. A few moment later I realised that everybody are gifted with something. Just many people and me doesn't find that 'something' that only speacillize only into you.Yes, you need to be grateful, believe that you were just lucky to have all pleasure that Allah gives. BUT WARNING! DO NOT BE TOO OVERWHELMED BY YOURSELF. When this scenario happen, you will see you are at the top place and the greatest of all. Making you ego and disregard what is important to you. Ex; improving critics. After the feeling of being the king of all, life has a cycle, remember? Downdowndowndowndowndoooowndoooooown. check/ that will happen. It is totally hard to rise and stand on your own as you see no one willing to strecht out their hands to help. 

Conclusion, live moderate way. Do not put yourself in a high-comfort zone and strive to be better. Also, do not put yourself in a doom that is telling your mind to attach on stupid thing because you see life as nothing. Life is too short to do stupid things. Hey, it is absolute worth to sacrifice unproductive business *duniawi and lets think about our future and hereafter.

wait, since when am i being an unpaid motivator? haha.

this is me, a student that is striving to be better *part 3

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Yeah my life? Kadang kadang aq pon keliru siapa aq sebenarnya. Celaru. Sebab apa? Sebap aq senang terpengaruh. Dengar satu benda, mostly dari org berpengaruh memang aq anggap semua betul dan telan bulat-bulat. Yes, tanpa cuba kaji apa yg berlaku, apa akan jadi pada future aq sendiri. So basically macam aq x kenal diri sendiri. Ramai org kata "diri sendiri yang paling kenal diri". Tapi aq masih sibuk persoal diri "siapa aq sebenarnya?''

Jadi aq slow slow organised urusan diri. K. Tarik nafas, hembus, tarik nafas lagi, hembus.
Aq jenis x suka benda yang terlalu teliti contoh paling mudah menjahit. Ya Allah kalau subjek KH tu buat projek amali menjahit, aq punya hasil is one of the worst. That's why cepat semacam je buat. Asal hantar sebelum deadline and lepas band. So buat kerja asal siap. Tapi aq kalau kerja biasa akan berusaha gila gila nak sempurna kalau aq minat macam math. Ya aq minat math tapi kurang sikit dari sejarah. lebih senang telan konsep , bila faham konsep terus ingat tanpa hafal. Kalau all facts, kena tahu detail satu satu yang mungkin aq lemah sikit. But lately aq dah mula minat sejarah sbb aq dah tahu sikit cemana nak belajar. Cikgu tu alau mengajar dia x focus textbook 100 percent. Kitorang belajar x bukak buku teks pon. Just bukak buku log panjang yang cikgu suruh balut surat khabar lama. Tapi pun kalau ada 2 masa ,cikgu habiskan satu masa mengaja tentang kehidupan, kaitan sejarah dan kehidupan dan soalan cepu emas . Dahla selalu aim random je. Menariknya, dia melatih kitorang berfikir, jawapan xde dalam mana mana textbook. All based on knowledge and critical thinking. Tapi disebabkan aq banyak jawab aq dah selalu di aim. Harapan band 6 bermula.

Next, EGO. Kadang kadang aq malu gila nak mati bila tersalah. So ego tercabar. Still pertahan diri walau dah athu apa yang aq buat bukannya tepat sangat pun. After a few moments later, contohnya setiap malam aq akan refresh balik utk tgk apa yg aq dah buat all day. And waktu tu baru aq sedar betapa bodohnya aq. Esoknya jumpa orang tu balik pastu terus nak cover dgn cara senyum, buat lawak or saja tanya khabar etc.

Inilah aku, seorang pelajar yang berusaha jadi cemerlang *part 2

Friday, January 2, 2015


Bila dengar perkataan 'study' mesti ramai ingat pasal perbuatan membuka buku selama 10 15 minit baring ngantuk and lepas tu terus tertidur. Aq pun macam tu kadang kadang. Kalau takde periksa memang buku tu kenalan jauuh jela. Kalau nak exam *lagi lagi final* baru ada motivasi sikit. Waktu tu rasanya buku dengan diri berpisah tiada. Kehulu ke hilir buku. Petang petang pi library try la nak ambil mood. Nak warm up gigih. Tapi......

Library bising haha. Bukan itu aja, bila nak start buka buku, meja tu nampak macam syurga tak terkata bak hotel beribu bintang. Pastu siap pesan kat member sebelah, beb 5 minit kejut. Accurate 5 minit memanglah bangun tapi keluar perkataan, 'ah nanti nantilah study'.And then sambung terbang di awang awangan. Buku hulu hilir tapi macam hiasan je. jetjet ulat buku gitu. The most important is  aq pecah rekod x tidur dalam kelas and dapat fokus sepenuhnya. Aq kurangkan talk bad pasal cikgu, ya la nanti x berkat.

Alhamdulillah aq ada kesedaran nak sungguh sungguh start form 2. Haaaaaa, baru menyesal kau form 1 aq anggap mcm tadika je. Nak menangih Tengok result final. PAI dapat C. ENGLISH dapat C MATH  dapat B SAINS dapat B sipi lagi nak C. Aq x kisah dengan diri aq tapi...... parents aq. Terserlah mereka kecewa terdiam seribu bahasa. Ya la abang abang and akak akak aq dulu semua intelligent. Aq cuba balance masa study, debate practices, homework. Punyalah susah. Tapi in the end of the day, aq berjaya. Pantang ada masa lapang, try la sikit usha usha buku tu. Tapi penangan meja tu still ada but dapat kurangkan at least.

Akhirnya final dalam kelas dapat first. Tapi x lulus SBP. Sains near miss 76. Tapi dalam batch dapat no. 4/148. Bila ingat balik semua usaha aq selama ni, masih banyak kekurangan dan mungkin apa yang aku dapat setimpal dengan usaha.

PT3? Tu yang paling aq risau. Aq mungkin tak banyak masalah dalam KBAT semua tu. Tapi mana tau, kita merancang, Allah yang menentukan. Mana tau waktu exam tu aq sakit ke, blank ke dan semua musibah yang boleh datang. Hanya boleh berdoa dipermudahkan perjalanan yang baru bermula dan betulkan niat kenapa belajar, bukan kerana siapa siapa tapi lillahi ta'ala.

Inilah aku, seorang pelajar yang berusaha jadi cemerlang *part 1

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Akhir-akhir tahun ni banyak betul dugaan cabaran debaran itu ini mendatang

 hilang dari radar , misi pencarian, tapi alhamdulillah masih jumpa bangkai kapal terbang daripada  terus hilang macam MH370. but still, aq x boleh imagine kalau aq dalam situation tu. sama ada jadi  ahli keluarga, pegawai misi pencarian or mangsa tu sendiri.

2. Banjir besar
 situation ni pun aq tak dapat nak imagine. maklumlah rumah aku mana pernah naik air. depan rumah ada parit besar yang dipenuhi puluhan biawak liar . kalau banjir, mana biawak tu nak pergi, i mean mana aku nak pergi. sempat ke nak selamatkan semua barang, memang rumah aku 2 tingkat tapi banyak mana je boleh selamatkan. just boleh tolong mangsa yang terlibat je lah.semalam ayah baru pack 2 kotak air mineral, 1 kotak biskut, berkotak kotak baju lama aku, arwah nek , abang, ibu aku punya yang masih elok dan agak agak taknak pakai lagi. ayah derma je semua. even dapat cuti lebih tapi rasa nak gembira berjimba terbantut terkenang nasib orang lain.